Writings and translations of mine about various topics in computer science.Linux
Installing and upgrading Linux on a EeePCCERN Scientific Linux, a RHEL-based distribution
How to install a Squid webproxy
How to install RHEL packages and all their dependencies on an offline machine
How to increase a laptop's hard disk size and its encrypted LUKS /home partition
Email munging to protect an email address from spambotsA bookmarks page from the early World Wide Web
Updating ClusterControl, a versatile application to manage database clustersUpdating Percona XtraDB Cluster from v5.5 to v5.6
Changing passwords in ClusterControl
Troubleshooting a ClusterControl Percona XtraDB Cluster: part 1
Troubleshooting a ClusterControl Percona XtraDB Cluster: part 2
Monitoring MySQL master-slave replication with Munin
Interpreting Munin graphs when monitoring a database cluster
Running a Percona XtraDB Cluster on RHEL 7
A PowerShell script for advanced log scanning, written as a plugin for NagiosOther topics
The Snake Oil IndexSolution of the LLM game Gandalf AI
On Open Source and Security
On Open Source and Sustainability
Italian translations
La FAQ non ufficiale di Linus Torvalds, di Eric S. RaymondBlockchain e fiducia, di Bruce Schneier
Sui pericoli delle criptovalute e l'inutilità della blockchain, di Bruce Schneier