Daniele Raffo

A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.


This page lists some technical documentation I authored.

Linux Guide

A bundle of Linux cheat sheets structured as a quick reference guide. Includes material for the LPIC-1, LPIC-2, RHCSA, RHCE, and CEH certifications. More information and download links can be found on the Linux Guide webpage.

Enigmail Handbook

The Enigmail Handbook 1.0.0 [PDF, 1.5 Mb] is the first official manual for Enigmail, the OpenPGP plugin for Mozilla mailclients.
Note: this document is obsolete. Thunderbird has been including native OpenPGP capabilities since version 78, and does not need anymore an external add-on (Enigmail) to do this. As a consequence, Enigmail ceased support for Thunderbird in October 2021. However, the manual is still useful to learn the basics of e-mail encryption and signing.
Up-to-date information can be found on the Enigmail website.

Appunti di Fisica (in italiano)

I miei appunti manoscritti di Fisica 1 [PDF, 54 Mb] per il corso di Laurea in Fisica; in pratica un condensato del Resnick-Halliday, integrato con esercizi svolti.
Programma: Vettori, Moto unidimensionale, Moti piani, Dinamica del punto materiale, Lavoro e energia, Conservazione dell'energia, Conservazione della quantità di moto, Urti, Cinematica rotazionale, Dinamica rotazionale, Equilibrio dei corpi rigidi, Oscillazioni, Gravitazione, Statica dei fluidi, Dinamica dei fluidi, Onde nei mezzi elastici, Onde sonore, Temperatura, Calore, Teoria cinetica dei gas, Entropia.

Telecommunications course

Slides of the Telecommunications course (COSC 2670) I taught at Webster University during Fall 2014.

E-mail encryption

Keynote "Public Key Cryptography, OpenPGP, and Enigmail" given during a Geek Girls Carrots meeting at Campus Biotech Innovation Park, Geneva.

Ad Hoc networks bibliography

LaTeX bib file for my PhD thesis on Ad Hoc networks.

by Daniele Raffo         page last changed on 30 January 2024